Invasive Ants are on the move in Marlborough

PestSmart • December 17, 2023

Darwin and Argentine ants are very widespread in Marlborough and found in Blenheim and Picton.

Darwin Ants

Darwin ants are a fawn brown colour, and roughly the same size as a black house ant. They carry a distinctive strong odour, similar to nail polish, when squashed.

Invasive Ants - Marlborough District Council

Argentine Ants
Argentine ants are also fawn brown in colour and larger than the Darwin ant. The Argentine and is super aggressive and territorial. They form large colonies. 

Argentine Ants in New Zealand (

Ant Pest Control in Blenheim and Picton

Ants can be tricky to deal with! It is imperative to know what ant species you are dealing with in order to select the best treatment. Most baits and store bought solutions may kill ants for a temporary fix, however to eradicate colonies a top grade undetectable pesticide applied by a professional pest control technician is the best solution.

Interesting Ant Facts

  • ants are in the order Hymenoptera, like wasps and bees.
  • There are more than 12,000 species of ants around the world
  • They can lift 20 times their body weight
  • there are 20 quadrillion ants on earth, which is 2.5 million ants for every human


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