PestSmart - Smart Pest Control Solutions for Blenheim, Picton and throughout Marlborough - 027 534 7686
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Fleas are very common in New Zealand, particularly in association with cats and dogs. Fleas are tiny blood sucking insects that feed mostly off cats and dogs but also feed off other mammals such as rats and humans. They are a brownish black colour, are wingless, narrow and are around 2-3 mm long. They are a particularly annoying pest and capable of transmitting parasites and disease through their biting.
They tend to hide in bedding, furniture, and floor cracks. Fleas also like to stay on an animal's underbelly, so they can easily be transferred to your carpet when your pet lies down. Fleas live and breed in warm, moist places, so infestations are usually worse in the summer months.
Fleas can be tricky, and it is important to use a multi approach to get on top of the problem, and to treat fleas that are still in the cocoon stage. If not, your flea problem will be back to haunt you. If you have fleas in your house, contact PestSmart for the best Flea Control solution.
If you bring home just one adult female flea, in 60 days your home could be overrun by as many as 20,000 fleas! The eggs hatch as quickly as one day, but usually within 12 days of being laid. It is easy to see how quickly a flea infestation problem can spiral out of control.
PestSmart Flea Control
Treating Fleas requires a specialist high grade insecticide. This in addition with a specific Insect Growth Regulator will inhibit the insects ability to grow. When the flea hatches from the cocoon and try to grow, they perish hence breaking the cycle. If the correct products are not applied, fleas will continue to infest your home. Fleas need a host to live therefore It is important to focus on the areas where the host sleeps, in order to break the life cycle of the flea.
Are the treatments safe for my family and pets?
No need to worry, all the products we use are (EPA) Environmental Protection Authority approved and are used to exact specifications every time. Your family’s safety is our number one priority.
What do I need to do to prepare?
Before your treatment we will email you a list of preparation instructions and after treatment care and your technician will take the time to check everything is done when they arrive on treatment day.
Flea treatment price guide:
An interior Flea treatment starts from $220, based on the size of your home and the severity of the infestation.
We recommend that if you have pets, that they are treated at the same time as your house by your pets’ vet. Please note we do not treat pets for fleas.
Call us or complete our enquiry form so we can fully understand your pest problems and provide an accurate quote for your property.
Flea Pest Control for Blenheim; Picton; Koromiko; Rarangi; Taumarina; Seddon; Renwick; Spring Creek; Ward. Please enquire if you are in the Queen Charlotte Sound.
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PestSmart / Website designed by Vanilla Hayes